Start wt
Drop Percent %
Wt Inc
# of Sets
Set Weight
It has come to my attention that others are using this web site to generate their workouts. This is okay with me and I believe you will benefit from using this site.
I would like to help you understand how this philosophy of drops set works and also how my philosophy towards developing a workout plan operates.

The Drop set: is used to totally fatigue and recruit your muscle fibers. How this is done within my workouts is to lessen the rest between sets within the drop set exercise.
Resting within allows for recovery and the thought is "hit the muscle until it is done then move on".  Since it is rest and nutrition that grows the muscle, I only have my lifters train each body part once a week. Example:

Monday Chest & Calves
Tuesday Back
Wednesday Legs & Forearms
Thursday Biceps & Triceps
Friday Shoulders & Traps

For the major muscle groups, like chest, back, and legs, I recommend 3-4 exercises; for the smaller groups, shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, 2-3 exercises.
The workout is a progressive workout, by this I mean every week you either increase weight used or reps done. I have found for my throwers that 8-10 work the best. Here is
how work it. Find your weight that you can do 8 reps. You can determine your weight by using the Wt. Converter web site. After warming up, do your top set for 8 drop weight
to next set do as many up to 8, drop and do as many up to 8. If you get the top set, next week do same weight for 9 reps. I you get that then the following week go to 10 reps.
After you successfully get your 10 rep day, the following workout increase your weight by 2.5-5 lbs on a side and start over with 8's. Every week you will be either doing more reps or weight.

Warning: This type of training should not be used for lifts like Deadlifts, Cleans, Squats, lifts where balance is important and losing your balance could injure you. There are other workout plans that I have created for those and I will be posting them to the site in the near future.

This is only one workout method. It has been very successful for me and my throwers. I have used it for over a decade and will continue to train them in this fashion. Try others because they may work better for you.